
News & Information...



Absentee ballots are now available at the Clerk's office for upcoming

Recall Election for RSU #21 Director- School Board Member Kirstin Shapiro.

The Election will take place on December 17, 2024 8:00am- 8:00pm at the Arundel Municipal Building.



 The Town is seeking volunteers to serve on the Board of Appeals. The Board has the powers of Administrative Review & Interpretation of the Arundel Land Use Ordinance along with review and granting variances upon appeal in specific cases.
The Board shall consist of five members and presently we have two. I encourage folks to review Section 11 of the Arundel Land Use Ordinance and if you feel you can contribute, please fill out an application found on the website and return to




The state of Maine will be retiring the chickadee plates as of May 1, 2025. ALL registrations with a chickadee on your plate; including but not limited to the following plates PASSENGER, COMMERCIAL, COMBINATION, ANTIQUE, DISABLED, FARM, MOTORHOME, BUS, CUSTOM VEHICLE, HORSELESS CARRIAGE, LOWSPEED, SPECIAL EQUIPMENT, HIRE, SPECIAL MOBILE EQUIPMENT, TRACTOR AND STREET ROD- YOU WILL BE ISSUED A NEW PLATE. If you would like to reserve and keep your current plate number on a NEW Pine Tree/ No Tree plate, please click the orange link below and follow the prompts, please note there is a $25 one time fee to do so. THIS INCLUDES VANITY PLATES! Any questions please do not hesitate to reach out 207.985.4201

Rapid Renewal | Plate Reservation Portal



>>Click here for more information and to register dogs online! <<


Parks & Rec:  Adult Trips & Activities






