Select Board...


The Town of Arundel operates under a town meeting form of government under which five selectmen are elected at large for staggered terms of three years. The Board of Selectmen, as a body, exercise all administrative and executive powers of the town through the Town Manager.
As a rule, the Board meets at the Arundel Municipal Building on the second and fourth Monday of the month. Agendas are typically posted on this site on the Friday preceding the meeting.  Minutes and Videos are posted as they become available.
Fiscal Year 2024 - 2025
Elected for staggered 3-year terms
Velma Jones Hayes, Chair (2022-2025)
483 River Road, Arundel, ME  04046
Home:  985-7738
Cell:  468-8966

Thomas Danylik, Vice-Chair (2023-2026)

PO Box 1696, Biddeford, ME  04005
Home:  985-6139
Work:  284-4581
Work Fax:  284-2078 
Daniel L. Dubois, Secretary (2024-2027)
205 Curtis Road, Arundel, ME  04046
Cell:  468-2744
Jason Nedeau, (2022-2025)
1290 Alfred Road, Arundel, ME  04046
Cell:  590-5800
Phil Labbe (2024-2027)
PO Box 1111, Biddeford, ME  04005
Home:  985-7984
Work:  282-1426
Cell:  468-7574