


The Town of Arundel operates under a town meeting form of government under which five selectmen are elected at large for staggered terms of three years.  Day to day operations are supervised by the Town Manager. Town offices are located at 257 Limerick Road.

 Should you need information on, or assistance with, a particular town function or service, these sections of the web site should be helpful to you.

 Administration:  Responsible for overall town operations. Key staff members include the Town Manager, Town Clerk and Bookkeeper.

Code Enforcement:  Administers and enforces Arundel's Land Use Ordinance, Building Codes and State Plumbing Rules. All building related permits and inspections are available through this office.

Planning Department:  Serves as staff to the Planning Board, the Comprehensive Plan Update Committee, and the Strategic Planning Committee.  The Town Planner also maintains the town's Geographic Information System, a computerized mapping and data base.

Public Safety:  Responsible for all safety and emergency activities in the Town. Key staff members includes the Fire Chief, Emergency Response Manager, the Town's Contract Deputy and the Animal Control Officer.

Public Works:  Responsible for the major infrastructure of the Town.  Key staff members include the Director of Public Works, Road Foreman and Mechanic.

Recreation Department:  Responsible for developing and administering the year round recreation program for Arundel. Key staff members include the Recreation Director and Recreation Committee.

Schools - RSU21:  As of July 1, 2009 Arundel is a part of RSU 21 which is the web-site that you will be directed to should you click on this link.

Social Services:  Responsible for the administration of General Assistance and Special Programs.

Tax Assessor:  Responsible for measuring, listing and placing a value on all Real and Personal Property within the Town of Arundel.

Tax Collector:  Responsible for the collection of all Real and Personal Property Taxes within the Town of Arundel.